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Gaboon viper - Wikipedia
The Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica), also called the Gaboon adder, is a large and highly venomous viper species found in the rainforests and savannas of sub-Saharan Africa. It is the largest member of the genus Bitis. Like all other vipers, it is venomous, but has the longest fangs of any venomous snake – up to 2 … See more
The Gaboon viper was described in 1854 as Echidna gabonica.
Lenk et al. (1999) discovered genetic differences between the two conventionally recognized subspecies of B. g. gabonica and … See morePrimarily nocturnal, Gaboon vipers have a reputation for being slow-moving and placid. They usually hunt by ambush, often spending long periods motionless, waiting for suitable prey to pass by, though they have been known to hunt actively, mostly during the first six … See more
During peak sexual activity, males engage in combat. This starts with one male rubbing his chin along the back of the other. The second … See more
Adults are typically 125–155 cm (4.10–5.09 ft) in total length (body and tail). The maximum total length of this species is often cited as 205 cm (81 in) for a specimen collected in Sierra Leone, but individuals from this locale are now reclassified as See more
This species can be found in Guinea, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, … See more
Because of their large, heavy body size, the adults have no trouble eating prey as large as fully grown rabbits. When prey happens by, they strike from any angle. They can quickly … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Gaboon viper | Venomous, Africa, Rainforest | Britannica
Gaboon viper, (Bitis gabonica), extremely venomous but usually docile ground-dwelling snake found in tropical forests of central and western Africa. It is the …
Gaboon Viper - Facts, Diet, Habitat
The Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) is a viper species found in the sub-Saharan Africa. Like all other vipers, it is a highly venomous snake. It is the largest member of the genus Bitis, and it has …
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Gaboon viper - Smithsonian's National Zoo
The Gaboon viper is the largest viper in Africa. Its coloration and broad head, which mimics a fallen leaf, camouflages it among leaf litter on the forest floor. Though venomous, this snake …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Gaboon Viper: The Complete Guide With …
Oct 12, 2018 · Scientifically named the Bitis gabonica, the Gaboon viper is the largest snake on the African continent. …
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Gaboon Viper Animal Facts - Bitis …
May 27, 2024 · Gaboon Viper (Bitis gabonica), on leaf litter. Its upper body is made up of beautiful diamonds, triangles, and hourglasses in neutral colors that mimic the colors of leaf …
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Gaboon Viper - Facts, Habitat, Diet, Life …
Gaboon viper is a dangerously venomous snake. It belongs to the Viperidae group. This reptile is the largest amongst the Bitis genus. They are also known to be the heaviest snakes of this …
Gaboon Viper - The Snake with the …
Learn about the Gaboon Viper, a large and venomous snake with the longest fangs in the world. Find out where it lives, what it eats, how it hunts and how it gives birth to live young.
Gaboon Viper - Description, Habitat, …
Gaboon vipers are venomous snakes native to Africa. They are the largest African viper species, and as an added bonus, the also have the longest fangs! They use those two-inch fangs to …
Gaboon Viper: Africa’s Venomous Beauty
May 16, 2024 · Explore the captivating world of the Gaboon viper, Africa's venomous beauty! Uncover mesmerizing facts, stunning photos, and remarkable behaviors of this iconic reptile. …
The Fascinating World of the Gaboon Viper - Wild …
Sep 14, 2023 · Learn about the Gaboon Viper, one of the largest and most venomous snakes in Africa. Discover its camouflage, hunting techniques, …
- Reviews: 94
Gaboon Viper | The Animal Facts | Appearance, Behavior, Habitat
Learn about the gaboon viper, the largest and most venomous viper species, native to Africa. Find out their appearance, diet, reproduction, behavior, habitat and more.
Gaboon Viper in the Wild: Natural Behaviors - snakesinfo.com
Dec 31, 2024 · The Gaboon viper, a chill resident of African rainforests in countries like Guinea, Ghana, and Nigeria, is getting a raw deal in the wild. These slithery creatures are losing their …
Gaboon Viper (Species Profile, Interesting Facts + Pictures)
Dec 15, 2020 · Learn about the Gaboon viper, a large and venomous snake found in sub-Saharan Africa. Discover its appearance, behavior, hunting strategies, and how to avoid its bite.
Has anyone survived a Gaboon viper bite? - The Environmental …
1 day ago · Fangs and Venom: A Potent Combination. What truly sets the Gaboon viper apart is its impressive arsenal. It possesses the longest fangs of any venomous snake, reaching up to …
Gaboon viper facts, distribution & population - BioDB
It is the heaviest viper in Africa and is distinguished by its broad, leaf-shaped head and strikingly intricate pattern that superbly mimics the forest floor, making it a master of camouflage. …
Gaboon Viper Forest Habitat: Preferred Zones
Dec 31, 2024 · Meet the Gaboon Viper (Bitis gabonica), or as some call it, the forest puff adder. This snake is no joke, hanging out in the rainforests and savannas of Sub-Saharan Africa. The …
Gaboon Viper - Rainforest Animals
Learn about the Gaboon Viper, a venomous snake that lives in tropical rainforests and other moist areas of Africa. Find out its size, description, diet, reproduction and habitat.
Gabon Viper: Animals of Uganda - Uganda Parks
Scientifically known as Bitis gabonica, Gaboon viper is one of the Viper species found within the rainforests and savannahs of sub-Saharan Africa. Scary as they are, it always a magical …
Gaboon Viper Fangs: World’s Longest Snake Fangs
Dec 31, 2024 · Meet the Gaboon Viper (Bitis gabonica), a heavyweight champion in Africa’s slitherin’ scene. These bad boys boast the longest fangs in the snake universe—rocking an …
Gaboon viper - AMNH
At six feet long, this massive viper is a ferocious predator that hunts birds, frogs, and many small mammals in the tropical forests of Africa. When the Gaboon viper strikes, its huge fangs …
ガブーンバイパー | 日本大百科全書 - ジャパンナレッジ
gaboon viper Bitis gabonica. 爬虫(はちゅう)綱有鱗(ゆうりん)目クサリヘビ科のヘビ。色彩斑紋(はんもん)が世界のヘビでもっとも美しいものの一つとされる毒ヘビ。アフリカの西 …
Bandotan gabon - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Bandotan gabon (Bitis gabonica)Bandotan gabon (Bitis gabonica) adalah salah satu spesies ular berbisa dari genus Bitis.Sub-spesies bandotan gabon ada dua yaitu bandotan gabon afrika …
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